2021-22 Speaker Series
JohnBob Carlos
Topic TBA
NOTE: This event has been postponed to Fall 2022. Details to be announced.

About JohnBob Carlos
JohnBob Carlos is a native Floridian and photographer capturing images of Florida’s wildlife, landscapes, cultures, and waterways. It is his way of creating a voice for Florida’s nature and preserving Florida’s culture. Canvasing the depth of Florida’s natural terrain, he has been able to capture and document the beauty of such landscapes in a compelling and visually stunning format.
In recent years he has become deeply concerned about the state of Florida’s nature, alarmed at the devastation of these areas, mostly due to money, development, pollution, business, and politics. Although his focus is photography, his role is in a state of evolution due to his need to defend Florida’s wildlife and stand up for nature through the use of his art and voice. JohnBob Carlos’ work has been used for petitions to stop big oil and fracking, to save the Pine Rocklands, to support clean water initiatives, and to oppose bike roads that destroy the fragile Everglades.